Trigger sounds and more.
qwertyGO Screenshot
qwertyGO Screenshot qwertyGO Screenshot qwertyGO Screenshot
Trigger sounds and more.
qwertyGO! allows you to trigger sounds with your keyboard. Play jingles, songs, sound-effects and loops in a radio show or at the theater. Provide backing tracks for live performances and generate a click-track simultaneously. qwertyGO! has support for midi-devices and an integrated Audio/Plug-in environment which allows you to use VST and AudioUnit-Plugins.
qwertyGO! is useful for all musicians/artists/DJ's on stage, theaters, radio stations, for sport events or wherever you want to play jingles/backing-tracks/sounds-effects. It's just this nifty little helper you sometimes need!

  • Trigger sounds, samples and songs with your computer-keyboard or midi-device
  • Provide backing tracks for live acts and generate a click-track for the drummer on a separate channel
  • Play jingles and loops in a radio show or at the theater
  • Play multichannel sound files for art-performances and sound sculptures
  • Present examples of your work to customers at your studio


  • Trigger sounds with you computer keyboard
  • Midi-support
  • adjustable fade-in, fade-out and cross-fade time
  • adjustable pitch
  • "Stop All" function with adjustable fade-out time
  • different play-modes like "play loop - stop when key is pressed again" etc...
  • Mute groups
  • supports different keyboard-Layouts (incl. QWERTY, QWERTZ, AZERTY ...)
  • multichannel/surround output and routing functions
  • adjustable start and stop position in a waveform display
  • imports WAV, AIFF, OGG, FLAC, MP3(via Apple CoreAudio/Windows Audio Compression Manager)
  • generate Click-Track on separate channel
New in v1.5:
  • Audio Plugin Environment (AU & VST Plugin Integration)
  • new key Modules: Audio In Through (for Routing Live-In Audio through qwertyGo)
  • Trigger Group Parameter (to start sounds simultaneously)
  • Appearance Settings
  • 16 channel output option
  • StandardEQ integration (internal version)
  • Mac Version now Code-Signed and Retina aware
  • Windows Version high DPI-Aware
New in v1.6:
  • Queues (trigger different sounds with one key)
  • "Undo" for all key related operations
  • multiple selections & cut/copy/paste


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  • Windows: Windows 7/8/10
  • Mac: Intel Processor with Mac OSX 10.9 or newer
  • 2 GB RAM or more
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