End User License Agreement

This User License Agreement is a legal agreement between you and Christian Knufinke ("author") for the software that is included in this package ("this software"). By installing, copying or using this software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this license agreement. If you do not agree to these terms, don't use or install the software and remove any already installed parts of it.

1. Software License

The author grants you and anybody else who gets hold of this software the license to:

- test this software in its demo mode, where testing means that you do not use it in any other way than checking out its usefulness for your explicitly own needs

- use it, after you registered/bought this software according to actual conditions of registration (see 4.), for any private, commercial or otherwise professional use that doesn't conflict with any other terms of this agreement

- use it for press-related publication within any media, limited to a.) any textual description or recitation of functional and musical aspects of this software, b.) printed or otherwise visual demonstration of the graphical user interface and c.) publication of audio examples that explicitly demo the capabilities of this software, only if any of these publications contain explicit information about this software, author and the address of his website (https://www.siraudiotools.com/), unless stated otherwise by the author in written form.

You may further not:

- modify this software in any way other than its core functionality allows

- reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or isolate any parts of this software or any related documents including, but not limited to, graphics, sounds, impulse responses, algorithms or code fragments

- remove or change any textual or graphical information like labels or copyright notices.

2. Copyright

This software is protected by German copyright laws and international treaties. All copyrights in this software are owned by Christian Knufinke. VST is a trademark of Steinberg Media AG. AudioUnit is a plugin format by Apple Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

3. Disclaimer of Warranty

This software is provided to the user on an "AS IS" basis, without warranty of any kind, express or implied including, but not limited to, any warranty of merchantability, usefulness and fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. The author does not warrant that the functions contained in this software will meet your requirements, or that it is free of any error or that any bugs in this software will be corrected. The user therefor takes the entire risk of using this software and shall in no way claim the author's responsibility for any damages that arise out of the use or abuse, including but not limited to, misinterpretation of functionality of this software.

4. Registration

The actual procedures, terms, conditions and benefits of registration, ordering and/or buying this software can be found on Christian Knufinkes website https://www.siraudiotools.com or be requested by e-mail to support@siraudiotools.com . Giving away serial codes or reverse engineering the registration scheme or otherwise taking action that infringes the terms of this license will be prosecuted.

(c) 2019 Christian Knufinke. All rights reserved.

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Copyright 2025 SIR Audio Tools Christian Knufinke. VST is a trademark Copyright of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.