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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I use SIR Audio Tools products on multiple devices?
    Yes. A rightful owner may install SIR Audio Tools products on multiple devices that belong to them, provided that the devices are to be used by the owner only. However, if several users are working with the same license at the same time, it is expected that additional license keys will be purchased.
  • Do your plugins run natively on Apple Silicon?
    SIR Audio Tools plugins run natively on Apple Silicon (M1, M2, M3 and M4) and are compatible with the latest software and hardware by Apple.
    This applies to: SIR3, StandardCLIP, StandardGATE, StandardEQ, SpectrumAnalyzer, qwertyGO!.
  • Do you offer any discounts for students or teachers?
    At the moment, there are no educational discounts per se, but one can use our 25 % discount for newsletter subscribers. You can easily sign up for our free e-mail newsletter on this page by simply providing your e-mail address and agreeing to the Terms.
  • Can I upgrade to a bundle by paying the price difference?
    We do not currently offer the option to complete a bundle by paying the price difference. Please keep in mind that our products are quite reasonably priced. You can always use the 25 % discount if you subscribe to our free e-mail newsletter.
  • My license key isn't accepted.

    Please check again if you are using the right license key for the right product. For example, you may have accidentally downloaded the StandardGATE installer and are using it with a license key for StandardCLIP. The setup programme and the license key must match. If you are no longer sure, you can also request your license keys using the License-Key Recovery Tool.

    Please also check that you are copying the license key correctly from the product delivery email (see manual). Sometimes it also happens that a license key is changed by an automatic translation service and is therefore invalid. Please make sure that such a translation function is deactivated.

    If this doesn't solve the problem, please take a screenshot of the installer after you have inserted the license key and send it to us. We will analyse the problem promptly and send you a feedback.

  • The plugin asks for the license key again, even though it has already been requested once.
    Please update your plugin to the latest version. If this doesn't solve the problem, please contact us.
  • I do not know how to open the program SpectrumAnalyzer
    Please note that SpectrumAnalyzer is not a stand-alone program, but a plugin — it means that you can only use it together with a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) like Apple Logic, Ableton Live, Cubase, Pro Tools or others. If the installation was successful, you'll be able to see und apply SpectrumAnalyzer from the plugin list of your DAW.

If you have lost your license key:

If you have problems with your order:

If you have other problems:

  • Before you send an email, please check the resources on this page, especially the F.A.Q. section, to see if they already answer your question.
  • email
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SIR Audio Tools Christian Knufinke
Schloßhofstr. 37
33615 Bielefeld


Phone/Tel.: +49 (0) 521 5247860 (no support hotline)

VAT Reg No/Ust-IdNr.: DE240401752
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Copyright 2025 SIR Audio Tools Christian Knufinke. VST is a trademark Copyright of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.