Install Instructions

Public Beta

Version History


  • the file and VST version numbers now match the official version number


  • quick fix for issues related to Pro Tools 2023.3


  • improved compatibility with Pro-Tools on Apple Silicon




  • improved license key handling, if the whole system was restored by a backup from another computer


  • better compatibility with certain platforms


  • incorrect visualization in the 'output + reduction' display fixed


  • fixed graphics issues on certain platforms
  • improved compatibility for certain DAWs


  • improved installer


  • new setup program
  • Apple Silicon (arm64) native support
  • VST3 support



  • fixed a potential audio glitch that could occur under very rare circumstances.

1.4.016 (mac only)

  • fixes possible activation issues
  • improved presets menu


  • fixed hidden assistant panel, if zoom-level unequal 100%


  • New Output Gain Assistant:
    Due to the oversampling process, some signal peaks can appear above the clipping level. In order to avoid aliasing, it is important that the signal level never overshoots the ceiling level.
    This assistant adjusts the output gain fader to the highest possible value, which guarantees that no output sample level will be higher than the ceiling level. Please play the loudest part of your project while the assistant is open.
  • fixed latency compensation when plugin is bypassed in some hosts (incl. Cubase)


  • new maximum Peak & RMS displays (reset via mouse-click)
  • RMS Full Scale Sine (+3dB) Option
  • The output preview waveform includes now the pre-reduction level (red), relative to the output-level, to show the amount of reduction.
  • half-waveform view mode for more precise adjustment
  • new clip mode "Ratio 2:1"
  • minor bug fixes


  • "Active Channels" setting was not always restored properly in some hosts

1.2.026 (Win only)

  • Reintroduced a workaround, to detect the offline-rendering for WaveLab in Windows.
    It looks like WaveLab 8.5 is not probably telling the plugin, when its currently offline-processing (while rendering an audio-file to disc). A workaround which detects the offline-mode via thread-priority, was removed in v1.2.024 (There is currently no work-around for mac). Steinberg is informed.


  • Performance improvement for certain hosts
  • Fixed cubase modal behavior for cubase clip rendering (Mac)
  • Design changes
  • Improved preset menu


  • New possibility to change the range of the input/output meter scale via the options menu.
  • New possibility to change the minimum and maximum scale values of the gain difference meter via the options menu.
  • To save CPU-consumption the new silence bypass will be automatically activated if the input audio level is below -190 dB. You can turn off this behavior via the options menu
  • fixed an issue with WaveLab (fade-ins with rendering)
  • changed fader scale
  • minor performance optimizations


  • The new StandardCLIP 1.1 has a switch to select several different clipping modes.
    • Soft Clip Classic: This is the default algorithm, and it’s the same one, which was used in the previous version.
    • Soft Clip Pro: This new algorithm has a slightly different characteristic. It compresses an adjustable dynamic range by half. A line in the function plot shows from which level the saturation begins. The dynamic integrity below this threshold stays intact.
      25% - compresses the last 6 dB into 3 dB, and adds 3 dB
      50% - compresses the last 12 dB into 6 dB, and adds 6 dB
      75% - compresses the last 18 dB into 9 dB, and adds 9 dB
      100% - compresses the last 24 dB into 12 dB, and adds 12 dB
    • Hard Clip - cuts the audio at the clipping level without soft-saturation
  • New clip fader
    While the previous StandardCLIP cuts the signal at exact 0dB, the clipping level can be adjusted in the version 1.1.
  • New logarithmic function plot
    StandardCLIP now has a logarithmic function plot, but the old linear function plot is still available. To switch between the linear and logarithmic function plot, click on the diagram. A small red point in the diagram shows the current peak-value.
  • Gain Difference Meter
    Shows RMS (Root Mean Square, red) and peak (green) difference between the input and output of the oversampled clipping process. (The output gain and ceiling level have no effect on this display)
  • Higher maximum oversampling factor
    As suggested, it’s now possible to choose x64, x128 or x256 as oversampling factor (for most applications, a smaller oversampling factor is quite enough)
  • Offline oversampling option
    This can be used to have a higher oversampling factor while bouncing (whether or not this is supported, depends on the host)
    When using an offline oversampling factor, which differs from the online oversampling factor, the online oversampling factor has to be at least 2. This is important for various reasons. (Among other things, online/offline have to share the same latency setting)
    This function has been successfully tested with
    • Pro Tools 12 (File -> Bounce To -> Disk), the „AudioSuite“ clip rendering function from the menu still uses the online oversampling factor
    • Logic Pro X (File -> Bounce -> Project or Section)
    • Cubase 8 (File -> Export -> Audio Mixdown)
  • The advanced oversampling options-dialog has now a reset button, which resets all oversampling related settings to their default value.
  • All faders now snap to a 0.2dB grid. If you need a more accurate adjustment, hold down the shift-key while dragging the mouse or click on the dB-Value label to enter the exact value via keyboard.
  • The output gain & ceiling faders can be linked now. This link has no effect on automation. If you automate either of them, only this one will follow the automation.


  • release version
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Copyright 2025 SIR Audio Tools Christian Knufinke. VST is a trademark Copyright of Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.