Public Beta
Version History
- fixed a bug that caused an incorrect output level under certain circumstances when using the upward mode
- improved stability when monitoring external sidechain in Pro Tools (and possibly other DAWs)
- improved GPU-accelerated scaling in Pro Tools Windows
- the file and VST version numbers now match the official version number
- quick fix for issues related to Pro Tools 2023.3
- improved compatibility with Pro-Tools on Apple Silicon
- performance optimizations
- added more "maximum look-ahead time" options: 1/3/5ms.
- The maximum look-ahead time can now be chosen between 0..10ms/100ms/1000ms*. This has the advantage that the plugin needs less latency when using a small amount of look-ahead time. Another benefit is that the plugin can now be configured to use up to one second look-ahead time*. Plugin latency is usually compensated by the DAW via Plugin-Latency-Compensation (PDC).
*Please note, the maximum look-ahead time of 1000ms is not supported when using the AAX plugin format for compatibility reasons. - If the sidechain equalizer was used in connection with oversampling switched on, it could happen that the cutoff-frequencies were overcompensated. This behaviour has been improved. Please note: after installing the update, there may be differences in processing when oversampling is used because the sidechain equalizer now works correctly.
- improved stability in BITWIG
- minor improvements
- a potential issue has been fixed that could arise in connection with the use of bypass, oversampling/look-ahead and sidechain (installation recommended).
- added the "A-Switch" to the ducker - Always hold while detection higher than threshold-option, checkout out the manual for more info
- initial release