The intelligent detector algorithms like “Percussive” and “Transient”, but also traditional settings like “Peak” or “RMS”, allow surgical and powerful changes to the signal. In addition, the triggering of the dynamic processor can be controlled by MIDI.
The side-chain allows the dynamic of the audio to be controlled by an external signal for creative dynamic effects. The Lookahead mode allows reactive attack envelopes so that transients are caught.

The advanced de-bleeding filters allow excellent isolation of signals, for example, removing spill from different drum mics.
StandardGATE not only contains a noise gate algorithm, it also has ducking and upward expander modes.
The GPU-powered scrolling audio display shows in real time how the signal is being processed.
Versatile oversampling and flexible stereo options complete the picture.
StandardGATE on YouTube
- Windows 10 or newer
- 30 MB hard disk space, 8GB RAM
- VST-Host application (like Cubase, Tracktion...), Pro-Tools 11 or newer
- Mac OS 10.13 or newer
- 30 MB hard disk space, 8GB RAM
- Audio-Unit or VST compatible Host software, Pro-Tools 11 or newer

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